International Journal Of Scientific Technology Research Publication Fee

Publication fees publish paper in 4 hr int journal for engineering science and technology student scientific journal.
International journal of scientific technology research publication fee. Irjmets has 499 rs. We cover the costs partially through article processing fees. 500 extra to be paid which is non refundable all authors are entitle to receive a complimentary copy of journal certificate. 1500 for single author with maximum 2 to 3 graph charts tables maps etc else cost increases by rs 500 up to 2000 words for every additional 750 words rs 500 extra to be paid for every addition author rs.
Papers reporting original research or extended versions of already published conference journal papers are all welcomed. There is no charge of submission and processing of manuscript if the manuscript is accepted for publication corresponding author will be asked to pay an article publication fee to cover publications costs as we are non profitable organization and costs are involved in every stage of the publication process like manuscript handling form submission to publication blind peer. International journal of scientific technology research is an open access international journal from diverse fields in sciences engineering and technologies that emphasizes new research development and their applications. Elsevier s apc prices are set on a per journal basis fees range between c 150 and c 6000 us dollars excluding tax with prices clearly displayed on our apc price list and on journal homepages.
A ijsr charges a humble amount towards publication fees of rs. Our expenses are split among peer review administration and management production of articles in pdf format editorial costs electronic composition and production journal information system manuscript management system electronic archiving overhead expenses and administrative costs. We acknowledge that there might be some financial constraint and if your article is approved and you are not in a position to pay the fee then our editorial team will publish your quality paper free of charge.